Christian Healthy Lifestyle 

Age gracefully | Live abundantly | Thoroughly equipped for every good work

by David Sandstrom 

January 11, 2021

In this episode, Dr. Katie Nall teaches us how to resolve stuck emotions she calls W.A.F.F.L.E.S. Worry, Anxiety, Fear, Frustration, Exhaustion, and Stress.

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Show Notes


Today's Guest...

  • Dr. Katie Nall, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner

Topics Discussed...w / Time Stamps

  • 1:26 - Intro
  • 4:20 - Dr. Katie is desperate to help her students overcome their anxiety over math class
  • 11:06 - Some stress is a good thing
  • 17:03 - Dr. Katie walks me through an EFT session...The results are amazing.
  • 25:51 - EFT is based in solid science
  • 29:55 -Summary


Scroll through the text below to read the full transcript.

David Sandstrom (2): [00:00:00] Here's a sample of what you'll here on this episode of Holistic Health Matters

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:00:04] I found  EFT accidentally. I wasn't looking for what I was looking for was a way to help math students overcome their fear and    when you said the word math and God forbid, you have to take a test in math. And what I found David was, there was nothing out there. I mean, nothing.  So I put a little changed my search and I said, well, how do you just overcome fear and anxiety in general? And that was in the year 2010. 

David Sandstrom (2): [00:00:33] Welcome to the holistic health matters podcast, where it's all about maximizing your health potential in body, mind, and spirit so that you can pursue the abundant life more effectively. I'm your host, David Sandstrom. Naturopathic doctor and Biblical Health Coach. And this is episode number 28. 

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David Sandstrom: [00:01:23] Today's guest is dr katie Nall.  

David Sandstrom (2): [00:01:26] Although Dr. Katie's degrees are in mathematics, statistical computer science and mathematics education. Her passion is showing others how to dissolve their waffles, worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lethargy, exhaustion, and stress. In addition to being a TEDx speaker, she's practiced Emotional Freedom Technique since 2010 and is an advanced certified practitioner with training and trauma in quantum tapping Dr. Katie, welcome to Holistic Health Matters.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:01:58] Oh, David,Tthank you so much for inviting me. I'm so impressed with what you're doing and the  important information that you're sharing with everyone.

David Sandstrom: [00:02:07] Thank you. I appreciate that. So your book is called Shower Blessings. Find Tme to Meditate  in   our Busy lLves. So how did you come about writing that book?

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:02:17] I was having lunch with a friend and she was complaining about how she really needed to meditate, but she just didn't have time in her life. And I said, well, you should do what I do. And just meditate in the shower. She says, what are you talking about? So I explained to her some of the techniques that I use.

When I meditate in the shower and she said, Oh my gosh, you should write a book about that. So the entire book is dedicated to Patricia for her suggestion.

David Sandstrom: [00:02:44] All right. That's great. I saw in your bio that you are a graduate of FIT  ,  the Florida Institute of technology in Melbourne, Florida, I'm an airline pilot. So I know about FIT because they have a really big aviation program.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:02:58] Yes. Yes. And my advisor and math education ,  did work over in that department as well.

David Sandstrom: [00:03:04] Is that right? Yeah, I guess that's a pretty big part of the school down there.  , I remember checking them out   years ago when I was learning to fly, it looked like a great program.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:03:11] Yeah they do a very strong program. It's a great school. I'm in some, I was blessed to be able to have a school nearby  30 miles away for me to get graduate work when ,  and I started at all, before a lot of the online courses really took off. And even the online courses, it's hard to find a PhD in math or math education.

David Sandstrom: [00:03:35] I'll bet.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:03:35] Yeah.

 David Sandstrom: [00:03:36] The funny thing is you have a technical background and now you're in the healing arts. And I also have a technical background   as an airline pilot, but I'm in the. Self-improvement personal development space. I call it holistic health and I think we have kind of similar backgrounds and we transitioned from that technical world into, well, not so technical anymore. More, little bit more of a ,  I dunno, soft science. . 

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:04:00] Intuitive maybe?

David Sandstrom: [00:04:01] Yeah. More intuitive. Yeah. So I think that's really cool.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:04:04] I like that. David, I think  that's a interesting analogy that you brought up ,  and actually being an advanced certified practitioner and Emotional Freedom Technique has led me on to other trainings. And one of the other trainings I've had is ,  I trained to become a Reiki master 

David Sandstrom: [00:04:20] Okay. Well, if we have time, we'll talk about that. Some, but I definitely want to jump into EFT cause that's a really cool thing.  So you have a super cool ted talk where you talked about how you first started using   Why don't you just give us a little background on that

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:04:35] Oh, David, thank you so much for prompting that when you said the word math and God forbid, you have to take a test in math. And what I found David was, there was nothing out there. I mean, nothing. And so I put a little changed my search and I said, well, how do you just overcome fear and anxiety in general? And that was in the year 2010. I found  EFT accidentally. I wasn't looking for what I was looking for was a way to help math students overcome their fear and anxiety I found Nick Ortner's   . Tapping summit. And it was a 10 day summit of ,  information about emotional freedom technique or E F T is also called tapping. And so I watched all 10 days and I said, huh, I wonder if this is going to work on our math students.

So I bought the book and bought the DVD, watched all the videos and. Had a long line of what I would call desperate students, David, they had all done so well in all their other classes and they get to math and they would just completely freeze. I just couldn't believe it.

And  you didn't have to have many conversations with them to find out that. There was a teacher who  humiliated them. There was a parent who told them they couldn't do it. There was a sibling who made it difficult for them. And there was actually some pretty traumatic situations as well.

And I kept thinking well, and a few students, we, we could just talk about it and they'd be okay. I think I can get through it now. And they were successful, but there were way more students who had so much fear and so much anxiety about math. I couldn't even get them to register for the class.

I mean, some of them were ready to abandon. It was the last class they needed for their degree and they were ready to walk out the door. It's crazy. So I really wanted to help them. Cause most of them were adult students and they needed the degree, to be able to move forward in their career. So I thought, huh. Hey, you guys are desperate. Desperate. Clients are always the best. David.

David Sandstrom: [00:06:40] it's true. They're motivated for change. Absolutely.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:06:43] And they're open, right. They're open to doing things. So , I said, Hey, I don't know if this is going to work or not, but why don't we try it? And a number of students were open. We tried it. And one by one, they came back in my office and talk. I've never gotten an a in maths before in my life. And I'm like you a bowl.

There you go. 

David Sandstrom: [00:07:04] Wow. 

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:07:05] Yeah. And then there was one guy, Scott, he came into my office, he was David human's this tall as my doorway and this wide. And he came in and he swooped mup in his arms and he was like, Dr. Mall, if it hadn't been for that quote voodoo stuff and quote, I never would've gotten my degree.

And I was like, well, it's not really voodoo Scott, but so there were a lot of people that I was able to help, with tapping. And so I thought I wonder if I should get certified in this right now, my husband wasn't keen on this because I'm an adult and keep going back to school and he's like, when will this quit?

But I went back and I got certified in level one level two. Level three ,  trauma tapping, which is really important and actually quantum tapping ,  which is very interesting. And ,  that I started taking on all kinds of clients. So I still work with students. I have a student in ,  in Belgium and Switzerland and I have students in Canada and I have students all over the world really that I work with. To help them overcome the fear and anxiety about math. But I also have a lot of other clients. I have speakers who have frustration with, the industry. I have ,  writers who are struggling with a lack of focus. I have parents who are just struggling.

Yeah. Right. And especially in this time,  David it's interesting ,  Dr. Hans Seely ,  was a medical doctor in about a hundred years ago and he defines stress as being triggered by one of three things ,  uncertainty, lack of information or loss of control. And the clients that I've seen nowadays are feeling. All three were uncertain about what's going on right now. Right. We feel a lack of information, depending on which way you turn, you're going to hear different stories, right.

David Sandstrom: [00:09:07] Yes.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:09:08] And a loss of control. And, I mean ,  if we weren't in the situation that we were now, a lot of us would be doing different things in our lives.  So when you add all three of those together, the waffles are boiling.

David Sandstrom (2): [00:09:20] Absolutely. We all know that. I mean, going through this summer, I mean, 20, 20, cause it's been a pretty tumultuous year.  Very stressful on a lot of people, job losses and it's been a lot of stress and I think,  when it comes to holistic  health is almost nothing we do that doesn't come under the category of stress reduction that it's a big deal. When we are in a chronic state of stress, our bodies are designed to move into stress, but we're only supposed to be there temporarily. It was supposed to come back out of it because we do our healing and repairing our  cellular repair  takes place. When we're in a restful state, not when we're in a stressful or a fight or flight state.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:09:56] This is true.

David Sandstrom: [00:09:56] So this is a big deal. I'm really glad to have you on, we can talk about this. And I think EFT is a really simple method to reduce stress levels.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:10:05] What I like about it, David is that ,  EFT is a non-addictive it's non-invasive and there's no side effects, no adverse side effects. And the coolest thing is it's self administered. And the cost is pretty reasonable.

David Sandstrom: [00:10:25] Free. I like that. 

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:10:30] Yeah. Once you learn it, you can do it now. Now ,  there are some, there's some situations where it's going to be much better to work with a certified practitioner. If you have a large trauma, or if you feel like you can't work your way through, something I actually, we spent eight hours  on my own personal. Living room couch one day, trying to work through a situation when  I would have been much better off working with a certified practitioner because a practitioner is going to ask questions that David, you wouldn't ask yourself. 

Right? Yeah. And so they can get to the core of it much faster.

David Sandstrom: [00:11:06] Let me ask you this regarding stress. Some stress is a good thing, right? So when is stress productive and when does it become destructive?

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:11:16] Yeah, there's actually an interesting study that was done on that. And there's a chart that shows that no stress is basically no productivity. If you don't have any stress or motivation, why bother? Right. And that as the stress increases, your productivity will increase up to a certain level. And it's really a function of ,  how much you have to concentrate and how many decisions you have to make.

So for instance, if you're running a straight-line sprint and all you have to do is concentrate on running, you can never get enough stress because all you're doing is moving muscles, right. You don't have to think. You don't have to make a decision. You don't have to turn, you're just running straight out.

So in that situation, bring on the stress. Most of us are not in that situation. Most of us have to make decisions on a regular basis. And most of us have got to be productive, especially now under unusual circumstances.  In that situation,  the lower, the stress, the higher the productivity, so  the studies have shown that if the stress increases past the point of your highest optimal productivity, your productivity directly decreases.

So it's a bell curve where, you know, as stress increases, productivity increases up to a certain level. Then as stress increases, the productivity goes back down that Hill. And the point is where is that optimal? And people can tell you, they'll come in and they'll say, I'm overwhelmed. I'm like, okay, we've hit a little past

David Sandstrom: [00:12:55] on the downhill side of that bell curve.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:12:58] but if we work together, And can remove that negativity, David, I have to tell you about my first client ,  which was my ever loving husband. I sat him down on the couch and I said, okay, honey, come sit right here. And I want you to tell me all your negative emotions right now. Well, David had kind of gave me a side-eye and he's like, okay, we've been together almost. More than 40 years now. And all you've told me for 40 years is that I got to think positive. And now you want me to say something negative? He's like, I smell a trap.

David Sandstrom: [00:13:33] He thought you were setting him up?

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:13:35] He knew I was setting him up. I said no, you don't understand honey here. Here's the thing positivity hasn't been working. So we're going to try something different and it took me awhile to get him to ,  To try it out. But what was, this was funny, David, is it, he would come home from work right. And moan and crying and complaining about this and that. And the other day after day. And finally I sat him down. I said, honey, I know you don't buy into this, but I'd like for you to tap with me just to help me out. So I just repeated back all the words he'd been saying for the past few weeks. Right. 

About his frustration and with this client, with this person with with and we went on and on and afterwards, he was like, well, that doesn't work. And I said, okay, that's fine. Well, the next day he came home and David, he did not complain. He didn't wine. There was nothing. So I couldn't stand it. And finally I said, so how was your day?

He says, Oh, it was great. Like, it always is. And I said, well, do you think tapping had anything to no. He said, I'm in charge of this. I got this all under control and I was like, Oh, okay.

David Sandstrom: [00:14:46] You no really super interesting point. When I had my health coaching practice, people would come in because they had some issue going on and maybe somebody come in with knee pain, like, okay let's get you off of some of the pro-inflammatory foods and let's get you on some supplements that might help with the inflammation, some herbs or enzymes, those types of things.

And let's schedule another appointment in two weeks. So they'd leave the office. They'd go implement the changes. And then they come back in and I'd always look over my notes to see, what they're doing there. And I'd say, so ,  how's the knee pain and they'd say something like what knee pain. Well, that's what you, that's what you came in for last week. Oh yeah. That I haven't even thought about that in the last week. So when are our bodies and our minds are functioning the way they should, we don't even notice them. But when they're not, then we notice, then we turn it in to the ,  well, what's the Snickers ad.

When, you turn into the angry bear or whatever it is, then it's visible. But when things are working, right, they tend to go in the background and, a little bit more invisible. So I think it's a really good point and something else I wanted to revisit that you said a moment ago about stress, how we can be on the front side of the bell curve. We're actually. Increasing our performance, but then we get past a point where the performance decreases. I'm thinking about test anxiety and, as an airline pilot, we go into the simulator every nine months. And the reason why we trained in the simulator. Is because we can practice more difficult things, more challenging things than we ever could in a real airplane.

When we go to the simulator, we'll have engine failures, we'll have fires, we'll have smoke in the cockpit, emergency descents  ditching you name it, we're doing those are full sessions. And I can tell you from experience that when you get under a great deal of stress like that, and you need to perform because if you don't perform. Your job is actually on the line. There's a tremendous amount of pressure for us. We've got to pass this check ride. And when you get to a point where you're just so loaded up with stress, you crack, and you just you're, you cannot perform to the best of your ability. And sometimes the instructor will see it and they'll say, Hey, you know what? I think it's time for a break. Why don't we go down and, have a drink of water and we'll come back in a few minutes and then you come back in and you're a new person, so I can relate to how that stress can really impact our performance.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:17:03] Yeah, well, that's a good segue. David. W what do you think about doing a short little tapping round for your audience?

David Sandstrom: [00:17:10] Absolutely. Let's do it.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:17:12] Not everybody may be as familiar with tapping as you are. 

David Sandstrom: [00:17:14] Okay. Let's do it.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:17:16] Okay. Okay. So w when I first started out with someone David first I let them know all the places that we're going to tap on our bodies.

So ,  I'm going to describe it in some detail, but ,  if you use the fingers of one hand, the fingertips of one hand, and you're going to use those fingertips to tap on the side of the other hand, and that side is going to be between your little finger and your wrist. And so you just tap right there.

And while you're tapping, if you could kind of focus where you have tension in your body, you have a headache right now, or maybe you're next

David Sandstrom: [00:17:46] No, that's easy. It's the neck for

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:17:49] It's the neck, it's the neck and shoulders. We've been doing a lot of sitting at our computers. Have it? Yeah. And then take one hand or the other doesn't matter, which you're both and tap on the top of your head, right on the crown of your head while you're tapping.

Think about where that tension is. 

And you can feel that tension. Yeah. And every now and then just breathe out. Just take a breath out next place. We're going to tap. David is on the edge of the eyebrow, right above the nose. And you use two fingers of one hand. And again, it's one hand or the other, or both, it doesn't really matter.

And tap right there. And then on the side of the eye, right between edge of your eye and your hairline tap right there.

David Sandstrom: [00:18:33] does it matter left or right side.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:18:35] Either side. It doesn't matter. Yeah. Or either side? Not neither. 

David Sandstrom: [00:18:39] I knew what you meant.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:18:41] Yeah. There's yeah, either side works and then under your eye  David, that's where I keep all my bags is right under your eye.

David Sandstrom: [00:18:49] Okay. I'm tapping

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:18:51] And then, under your nose, you tap 

David Sandstrom: [00:18:55] Upper lip. Yeah. 

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:18:56] Yep. Okay. And then under your lips above your chin is the next place that you're tap. And then what's the easy thing to do is if you cross your arms at your wrist right in front of you and use both hands to tap on your collar bone and think about that tension and blow your air out.

Yeah. And then the next thing you do is right underneath your arm, right? Where your ribs are, just use one, the Palm of a hand, or if you want to give yourself a hug, you can and tap on the ribs right

David Sandstrom: [00:19:27] The bottom of the ribs, like the lowest rib.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:19:29] The upper ribs.

The upper ribs. 

David Sandstrom: [00:19:30] Oh, upper ribs. Got it.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:19:31] Yeah. About four inches under your arms. Yeah. Yeah. And then blow all your air out and just think about where your attention is and how's it feel now, David?

David Sandstrom: [00:19:44] It's feeling better.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:19:45] Okay, well, let's power up. You ready? Okay to power up. I'm going to ask you a whole bunch of questions and for your audience members, they can answer their own answers because David what's important is that we use the client's words. So when ,  your audience members are listening to this, whatever words are right for them, those are the words they need to use.

Okay. So the first thing I'm going to ask is this a true statement right here? Right now? I feel safe. 

David Sandstrom: [00:20:13] Yes.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:20:13] Okay for your audience members, if  that's not true. Here are some other things that can say they can also say someday I might feel safe or they can say I accept the way I feel or they can say I choose to be gentle with myself.

So they need to pick one of those phrases. That is true for them. Okay. Next question I'm going to ask is ,  you mentioned that you had tightness in your neck, so the location would be important. And I'm going to ask you what triggered that tightness in your neck. Is there a, some particular incident that happened recently that you can pinpoint.

David Sandstrom: [00:20:51] well, I can tell you this. I've been doing a lot of computer work and I've been. Trying to experiment with a standing desk and sitting desk. And I've been looking down a lot and I think that's the source of it. I think I've been my posture. Hasn't been great.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:21:05] Okay. You think about being at the computer a lot and looking at all the software and your posture not being great. What emotion is coming up?

David Sandstrom: [00:21:13] I feel well, I feel stressed. I feel like I'm under the gun.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:21:19] Under the gun and stressed. Okay. And then ,  I think this last question ,  from zero to 10, where zero is like, Oh, no big deal. I'll do my stretching and I'll be better. And 10 is the most stressed and the most under the gun you felt in your entire life.

David Sandstrom: [00:21:33] I'd say three or four.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:21:35] Okay. Three or four. So let's start, we're going to power up those tapping points that we just went through. And so with using the fingers of one hand, you're going to tap on the side of the other hand, right? Between the ,  little finger and the wrist. And you're going to say, even though

David Sandstrom: [00:21:51] even though

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:21:53] when I think about ,  my posture working on all this software,

David Sandstrom: [00:21:57] When I think about my posture working on all this software and computer issues.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:02] Yeah. Yeah. Software and computers. I feel stressed in my neck.

David Sandstrom: [00:22:06] I feel stressed in my neck.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:07] I felt under the gun

David Sandstrom: [00:22:09] I feel under the gun

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:11] And right here right now, I feel safe. Anyway,

David Sandstrom: [00:22:14] and right here right now, I feel safe. Anyway,

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:17] we're going to do a couple more like that. Right. While you're tapping on the side of your hand, even though.

David Sandstrom: [00:22:23] Even though

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:24] I feel stressed and under the gun in my neck.

David Sandstrom: [00:22:27] I feel stressed and under the gun in my neck.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:30] When I think about my posture and  just sitting at the computer for so long

David Sandstrom: [00:22:34] When I think about my posture and sitting at the computer for so long

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:38] RIght here right now. I feel safe. Anyway.

David Sandstrom: [00:22:40] Right here right now, I feel safe. Anyway,

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:42] And then the last time, even though

David Sandstrom: [00:22:45] Even though

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:46] I've been sitting at the computer for so long,

David Sandstrom: [00:22:48] I have been sitting at the computer for so long.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:51] And when I think about my posture from that,

David Sandstrom: [00:22:53] And when I think about my posture from that.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:22:56] I feel the stress and ,  under the gun in my neck

David Sandstrom: [00:22:59] I feel the stress and under the gun in my neck

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:03] Right here right now, I feel safe. Anyway.

David Sandstrom: [00:23:05] RIght here right now, I feel safe. Anyway,

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:08] And then top of your head, David. Oh, this stress in my neck.

David Sandstrom: [00:23:13] This stress in my neck,

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:15] And the edge of the eyebrow ,  this stress in my neck.

David Sandstrom: [00:23:19] This stress in my neck.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:21] And then on the edge of your eye, between your eye and your hairline, I'm feeling under the gun in my neck,

David Sandstrom: [00:23:27] I'm feeling under the gun in my neck.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:30] And then under your eye tap along and say this stress and under the gun in my neck.

David Sandstrom: [00:23:36] This stress. And under the gun feeling in my neck,

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:39] And then under your nose above your lips is stress and under the gun feeling in my neck,

David Sandstrom: [00:23:44] This stress and under the gun feeling in my neck.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:47] And then under your lip above your chin tap and say, Oh, my neck is full of stress.

David Sandstrom: [00:23:56] My neck is full of stress.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:23:58] Now cross your arms at your wrist and tap on your collarbone. My neck is full of stress and feeling like  under the gun

David Sandstrom: [00:24:06] My stress. My neck is full of stress and I'm feeling under the gun.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:24:10] And then four inches under your arm. Use your palm and tap your ribs while you say this stress and feeling of ,  being under the gun in my neck.

David Sandstrom: [00:24:19] This stress and feeling under the gun in my neck.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:24:22] Now blow all your out David. How's it feeling over there?

David Sandstrom: [00:24:34] I got to tell you, it feels like I just got a chiropractic adjustment. It really does. I mean, there's a noticeable difference. I knew this was powerful because I have done it before, but that I'm, I am thoroughly impressed. I'm telling you. That was fantastic.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:24:56] Oh, I'm so glad you're relieved.

David Sandstrom: [00:24:58] Wow. Thank you for that.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:25:01] You're welcome.

David Sandstrom: [00:25:04] All right. I just feel like I just got a massage. 


Dr. Katie Nall: [00:25:10] As it turns out our emotions usually ,  when they get stuck in parts of our body. And so if we can open up the energy pathways and allow the energy to move unfettered ,  then yeah, we do feel better physically. And our neck aches, our stomach aches are, that pain in our knee, whatever it is, that's our body trying to tell us, take care of me.

David Sandstrom (2): [00:25:32] Yeah. Our bodies are always talking to us and we really do need to tune in and listen to them.

 I think that's a God given mechanism that and again    tend to live with this stuff. We, we think it's normal because it's been going on for so long, but it's not normal. We're not supposed to be going through life with stressed out necks.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:25:49] That's right.

David Sandstrom: [00:25:51] I'm sure. There's some people that are listening that are a little skeptical. might be saying, Oh, it's just all on the mind. It's just, he wanted to feel better. So that's what happened. But I can tell you this, I know a little bit about these energy meridians that the body has, and it was actually mapped out with the ancient Chinese medicine with they about 3000 years ago.

They mapped out. I think it was something like 300 different energy Meridian points in the body. And for a long time, when you nobody knows how they did it, they didn't have any electronic equipment back then, obviously. But in the 1950s, it was a guy by the name of Vole and he developed a system called electro acupuncture by Vole.

And what he did is he took electrical instruments, placed them on the skin. And they could measure resistance and electricity has resistance. It's kind of like water flowing down the stream. If there was a few rocks in the stream,  the rocks would represent resistance to the waterflow.

So. energy flows through these meridians in our bodies and these blockages we have, or like the rocks in the river where the energy is not flowing the way it's designed to. And if we can remove those blocking factors, the energy flows better. And they were able to measure this electronically with  a simple electronic device that measures resistance.

You can buy those for $10 at home Depot. And ,  but you know, they had to adapt it to the skin. So they proved that the acupuncture points that were said to exist actually do exist in the places they were said to exist. And they found hundreds more. It's pretty amazing how complex our bodies are and how they work.

But we are bio electric chemical machines. Our bodies are, of course we have more to a human being than a body where we are a spirit. We have a mind as well, but this is an interesting point. And I think it's based in solid science. This is not as that football player said voodoo medicine.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:27:43] Yeah.

David Sandstrom: [00:27:43] No, it's based in good

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:27:44] Actually there was  ,  a researcher, I believe from Auburn university who about three years ago, did research and found very small, like fishing line, almost human hair w size ,  circuitry going through our body that were aligned with the traditional Chinese medicine, energy meridians.

And what was interesting, David is that they were invisible until they were hit or tapped. And once they were tapped, they turned yellow.

David Sandstrom: [00:28:16] Wow.  Yeah, that's really interesting.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:28:21] Yeah I think there's more to research. I think there's more to find out. We don't know everything right.

David Sandstrom: [00:28:25] Absolutely. And that's kind of the cool thing about the health and wellness field is there's always new research being done. There's always something to learn and I'm a lifelong learner and it's probably one of the reasons why I love this field so much.

It's ,  it's great to stay up  on the research. So anyway ,  Dr. Katie, thank you so much for your time. If someone wants to get ahold of you or learn more about you, where should they go?

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:28:45] Well, I encourage people to email me and say easy way. My email address is hello, H E L O at Dr. That's D R N a L And I always challenge listeners. I always give out my phone number and nobody ever calls. So maybe you're  your audience might be the first to call, but then call me at area code seven seven two four eight zero zero five four one. Love to hear from them.

David Sandstrom: [00:29:12] All right. Great. Thanks. And you've got a really cool URL for your website.

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:29:17] My last name is Nall, N a L L. So my website is N A L followed by the word edge E D G E and as a company. So it's knowledge, N A L E D G E C

David Sandstrom: [00:29:33] knowledge I love it. That's great. I won't forget that. . 

Dr. Katie Nall: [00:29:38] I do appreciate it.

David Sandstrom: [00:29:39] All right. Thanks for sharing. So people can get information on your website, right?

Okay. Very good. All right. Well, thank you so much for being here. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and thanks for that session.

Thank you, David. I so appreciate all the hard work that you're doing.

You're welcome. Take care.  

David Sandstrom (2): [00:29:55] Well, I hope you enjoyed that interview with Dr. Katie. Nall. She's an expert in emotional freedom technique. And I want you to know that I really believe in EFT. Because it can really help with any emotional issue. It can help with something you're going through today. It can help with childhood trauma or PTSD type issues. 

And don't forget. There's a strong, powerful connection between the mind and the body. The emotions we experience and the thoughts that come along with those emotions   will have a profound impact on our physiology so this is important  stuff the book that she referenced is called The Tapping Solution. A Revolutionary system for stress-free living by Nick Ortner and Mark Hyman. I'll put a link in the show notes to that book on Amazon.  If you want to go deeper, go to Dr. Katie's website, which is knowledge, N A L E D G E C O. Dot com   knowledge And you can become a client of hers if you want. 

 And please don't forget, This episode is brought to you by sauna space. If you're serious about your health and wellbeing, then you should consider detoxifying your body effortlessly and naturally with a sauna space home sauna. To learn more, go to my website, David 

forward slash resources 

David Sandstrom (2): [00:31:16] and click on the sauna space logo, and start enjoying all the health benefits of a sauna space.

Zero EMF near infrared home sauna today.

 If you're a regular listener to the show, you may have noticed that I've got a sponsorship in this episode. That's because first and foremost, I want to serve you by curating quality resources to help you with your health and wellbeing. Please keep in mind that I would never recommend a  product or resource that I don't 100% believe in and use myself.

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David Sandstrom (2): [00:32:31] 

Hanks for listening i enjoyed serving you and I'll talk with you next week  be blessed.

About the author 

David Sandstrom

I want to help you maximize your health potential so you can look and feel your best at any age. We do this by aligning our lives more fully with God's natural design for our spirit, mind, and body. I've been helping people maximize their health potential since 2005.

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